Ingles Tecnico

913 palavras 4 páginas
Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina – Unisul
Campus Virtual

Avaliação a Distância

Unidade de Aprendizagem: Inglês Instrumental
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Entregue a atividade no prazo estipulado.
Esta atividade é obrigatória e fará parte da sua média final.
Encaminhe a atividade via Espaço UnisulVirtual de Aprendizagem (EVA).

Leia com atenção o texto abaixo e, posteriormente, responda às perguntas a ele referentes: Edible Mushrooms

Edible mushrooms are the fleshy and edible fruit bodies of several species of fungi. Mushrooms belong to the macrofungi, because their fruiting structures are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. They will appear either below ground (hypogeous) or above ground (epigeous) where they may be picked by hand. Edibility may be defined by criteria that include absence of poisonous effects on humans and desirable taste and aroma. Edible mushrooms are consumed by humans for their nutritional and occasionally supposed medicinal value as comestibles. Mushrooms consumed by those practicing folk medicine are known as medicinal mushrooms. While hallucinogenic mushrooms (e.g. Psilocybin mushrooms) are occasionally consumed for recreational or religious purposes, they can produce severe nausea and disorientation, and are therefore not commonly considered edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms include many fungal species that are either harvested wild or cultivated. Easily cultivatable and common wild mushrooms are often available in markets, and those that are more difficult to obtain (such as the prized truffle and matsutake) may be collected on a smaller scale by private gatherers. Some preparations may render certain poisonous mushrooms fit for consumption. Before assuming that any wild mushroom would edible, it


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