
4044 palavras 17 páginas
XXII Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção
Curitiba – PR, 23 a 25 de outubro de 2002

Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, M.Eng.
Professor UNIVALI (NP-Design); Doutorando Eng. Produção PPGEP/UFSC

Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, M. Eng.
Professora UNIVALI/UNISUL; Doutoranda Eng. Produção PPGEP/UFSC

Régis Heitor Ferroli, Esp. Administração Estratégica
Mestrando Eng. Produção PPGEP/UFSC

Miguel Fiod Neto, Dr. Eng.
Docente PPGEP/UFSC – orientador

In the history happened two industrial revolutions: one with the discovery of the iron and of the coal and another starting from the domain of the steel and of the electricity. They demonstrate the natural tendency of the evolution of the production processes, result of technological progresses and of the discovery of new materials. The causes of the transition among the handmade for the industrial process are clear: capitalism and demographic explosion. Both brought the growing need of the increase of the physical production (dwellings, utensils, tools, highways, among others). In the modern world, those influences no longer more they can just be in the sphere of the physical production.
So, the objective of this paper is to study the influence of the productions factors, directly involved in the process of production of a product. It is added that, the study of the other factors, as the one of market, ecological, financial, etc.. In a cause and effect relationship, an alteration promoted in anyone of the influential factors of the process, promotes alterations in all the others.
Key words: productions processes, industrialization, cause-effect relationships.

1. Introdução
Ao longo de séculos de civilização, o homem procurou dar forma aos materiais encontrados na natureza, utilizando de sua inteligência e criatividade para confeccionar ferramentas, armas e utensílios, de modo a incrementar seu


  • manual lssp
    14537 palavras | 59 páginas