Environmental and food safety management systems, according to iso 14001 and iso 22000 in fish processing plants: experiences, critical factors and possible future strategies.

2511 palavras 11 páginas
Alessandra J. Weyandta, Stella Regina Reis da Costab, Maria Leonor Nunesc, Arlene Gaspard,

a INMETRO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (weyandt.alessandra@gmail.com) b UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (stella@ufrrj.br) c IPIMAR, Lisboa, Portugal (mlnunes@ipimar.pt) b UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (arlene@ufrrj.br)

In order to keep themselves competitive and to protect their brands and reputation, the fish processing plants need to manage risks, show corporate responsibilities and abide by the demands of their clients. In this context the ISO 22000 proves to be an important tool for food safety management. Riding on ISO 14001 in reference to environmental management, it could contribute to the sustainable development of food industries activities. The aim of this paper was to analyze the fishing industry, a sector of strategic importance to the food safety of the entire population; the impact and synergism of the simultaneous adoption of these standards, proposing suggestions to minimize critical factors singled out for more efficient implementation of the said standards. The adopted methodology was multiple case studies, having analyzed plants located in Portugal and Spain with integrated management systems (IMS) already implanted. The results showed that all of the five analyzed plants have set quality and food safety management systems, however only three of them have EMS (Environmental Management Systems). These companies showed good practices aimed at the preservation of the environment as opposed to the plants that did not have EMS. It was observed a greater gain in time with simultaneous implementation. As benefits of the adoption of the IMS the plants identified an increase in sales and satisfaction on the part of their employees. Regarding the critical factors, the analyzed plants pointed to: ``interpretation of the standards``, ``the empowerment and valuing of people``, and “industry sensitivity towards the implantation of the IMS``.


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