English review

415 palavras 2 páginas
English Review 1. Complete the sentences using the words below. Follow the model: really | absolutely | incredibly | too | quite | so | extremely | very | pretty | enough | a) My friend was delivering a lecture but he wasn’t persuasive _______________________. b) Your house is ______________ big, man! Congratulations! c) This car is _________ expensive to me. I don’t think I can afford it. d) Your brother is _________ nice! e) Everyone disagrees but I think you are ___________________ right about that. f) Riding a bike here is _____________________ dangerous. g) This letter is _____________________ important. h) I am _________________ good at math. i) My leadership and yours are _____________ different. j) My younger brother is ________________ lazy!

2. Write five adjectives that define your characteristics.

3. Complete the blanks. Follow the model:
My brother is as smart as I am. a) Roberto Carlos ___________________________________________ (talented). b) I _________________________________________ (funny) Chico Anysio. c) They ___________________________________ (not/sensitive) my sister. d) My mom ___________________________________ (creative) Steve Jobs. e) Carlos and Louis ____________________________________ (hardworking) Mr. Loverman. f) My grandma _____________________________________ (patient) my English teacher. g) Mr. Smartman, my physics teacher, ___________________________________ (wise) Einstein. h) I _________________________________ (not/handsome) George Clooney. i) Nobody ______________________________________ (independent) my friend Carol.

4. See in your book what word comes immediately after the expressions below and complete them: a) I can’t stand + noun + ____________


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