V.69, n.1, 29-33, jan./fev. 2003
Resultado do tratamento cirúrgico das neoplasias do seio piriforme
Assessment of pyriform sinus carcinoma treatment
Claudiney C. Costa1, José Francisco S. Chagas2,
Maria Beatriz N. Pascoal3, José G. T. Camargo3,
José Luiz B. Aquino3
Palavras-chave: tratamento, seio piriforme, sobrevida.
Key words: treatment, pyriform sinus, survival.
Resumo / Summary
aryngeal and pharyngeal tumors exhibit a high incidence in Brazil, occupying the sixth position as the most frequent cancer sites in males. The initial diagnosis is usually made with the lesion at an advanced clinical stage, hindering success of any treatment employed. Aim: To evaluate the evolution and prognosis of patients with epidermoid carcinoma of the hypopharynx, considering treatment of choice, complications and estimated 5-year survival. Study design: This is a retrospective study Methods: Using Kaplan-Meier and exact
Fisher test. 60 patients with advanced epidermoid carcinoma of the hypopharynx, with the epicenter located at the pyriform sinus, were enrolled. Results: 43 of the 60 patients were submitted to surgical treatment followed by radiotherapy.
Currently 27.9% of the patients are alive free of the disease,
11.6% are alive with the disease, 9.4% died from other causes,
34.8% died due to the disease and 16.3% interrupted the followup. The most frequent postoperative complication was salivary fistula. Five patients evolved with local recurrence, 6 with regional recurrence, three with loco-regional recurrence and six with distant metastasis. There was no correlation between small surgical safety margins and survival in the 20 patients presenting recurrences (Fisher test). Applying the actuarial survival curve with the Kaplan-Meier method we obtained a
5-year survival average of 23.3 months. Conclusion: The major post-surgical complication in