Desigualdade de gênero entre as realidades do canadá e do brasil (gender inequality within canadian and brazilian realities)
Allan Castro
Our last generations face a moment in time of great changes and upheaval, which has started since the beginning of 20th century. There has been a general change trend of political power shifting from the nobility and monarchy to the oppressed people in different societies. Deep economical, technological and cultural revolutions; labeled as ‘post-modernity’ bring into discussion diverse schools of thought and culminates in a redesign of concepts. The gender issue would not be set aside from this twirl.
Gender is a controversial and relative topic. However, we can’t deny how gender discrimination affects the world as a whole; keeping in mind this disparity itself is frequent in many cultures. The abstract notion of gender materializes itself in our daily lives through gender roles, and, the result of inequality we may have hatred, prejudice and violence. In this paper, we will focus on gender features in two different societies: Canada and Brazil.
Both countries share important features. According to the Government of Canada, “Canada and Brazil share democratic governance, stable economies, abundant natural resources, vast and sparsely inhabited territories, as well as the richness that comes from multicultural diversity, including indigenous populations.” (CANADA, 2011)
Making a historical link of both as being Christian-colonized countries, both share a great amount of values in common, grounded on patriarchal colonialist morals, on the other hand, this system where men are regarded as the central figure of authority is coming to an end, as we can see in Therborn’s definition:
“The history of patriarchy in the twentieth century is essentially a gradual decline, starting at different points in time throughout the world. The first rupture occurred in the years 1910, through extensive consensual reform in Scandinavia and violent revolution in Russia. The end of the 1940s and early 1950s