
909 palavras 4 páginas
Modellus 4

Four examples...


The Dino starts moving to the right with acceleration pointing to the left…
Before starting the motion, it is possible to define the initial position, the initial velocity and the acceleration, dragging the corresponding Vectors.
In the graphs drawn, the second graph represents the derivative of the first and the third graph represents the derivative of the second…

Interactive Modelling with Mathematics

A stroboscopic photo of a collision was placed as a background in the workspace...
Three Vectors were created to measure, in an arbitrary scale, the linear momentum of each object, before and after the collision…
Dragging the Vectors it is easy to check the conservation of the linear momentum...


The development of Modellus 4 is being done with generous support from the Portuguese Ministry of Education (DGIDC), the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT), the European Community, the Institute of Physics (UK) and the research unit UIED-FCTUNL.

The Modellus installation program includes many examples and others are regularly added to the web site
Besides the Modellus files, the web site also contains several documents for students and teachers from basic learning levels to higher education. These documents are regularly updated.

The side of a square was defined…
The area and the perimeter were calculated…
The square was represented by Geometrical Objects
(Segments), which may be linked in succession…
Several Pens were created to represent relations between area and perimeter, etc…

Modellus 4

In the figure, an example that illustrates the use of sinusoidal functions in an oscilloscope. With this model it is possible to analyse the frequency, the amplitude and other aspects of periodic sinusoidal signals.

A model was created using a system of ordinary differential equations (which


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