Business plan template

4959 palavras 20 páginas
Business Plan Template

Here's your sample Title Page.

It's a great idea to put a color picture of your product right on the front. But leave room for the following information.

[Your Company Name]

Month, 20xx [month and year issued]

Business Plan Copy Number [x] This document is confidential. It is not for re-distribution.

[Name of point man in financing] [Title] [Address] [City, State ZIP] [Phone] [e-mail] [company home page URL]

This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of Securities.

Table of Contents

Here's a sample Table of Contents. Be sure to modify the page numbers when you’ve finished your Business Plan.

Executive Summary 1-1 Mission 2-1 Company Overview 3-1 Legal Business Description 3-2 Strategic Alliances 3-3 Product 4-1 Current Product 4-2 Research and Development 4-3 Production and Delivery 4-4 The Market 5-1 Market Definition 5-2 Customer Profile 5-3 Marketing Plan 5-4 Sales Strategy 5-5 Distribution Channels 5-6 Advertising, Promotion, PR 5-7 Competition 6-1 Risk/Opportunity 7-1 Management Team 8-1 Capital Requirements 9-1 Exit/Payback Strategy 9-2 Financial Plan 10-1 Assumptions 10-2 Financial Statements 10-3 Conclusion 10-4 Exhibits 11-1

Executive Summary

If the executive summary doesn’t succeed, your business plan will never sell investors. We recommend that you write the summary first and use it as a template for the plan as a whole. Since one of its primary functions is to capture the investor’s attention, the


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