Build A Refrigerator Appliance Compressor Failure Protector
Gadgets involving compressors like ACs and refrigerators are particularly prone to sudden and intermittent Mains voltage breaks, but ironically don’t carry any built-in protection system. A simple automatic refrigerator appliance compressor failure protector circuit presented here looks impressive.
Through a few of my previous articles we’ve already learnt quite a lot regarding different mains voltage guard equipment. We have studied a couple of circuits like mains circuit breaker, surge protector and how they help to stop and correct the relevant mains voltage abnormalities.
However, modern electronic devices like TVs, music systems, computers mostly come with built in voltage regulators which are able to tackle voltage fluctuations quite reliably and very seldom do they fail. Moreover brief voltage failures and quick successive voltage interruptions don’t bother them too much.
But domestic electrical gadgets which involve motors, especially in the form of compressors, for example as in refrigerators and air conditioners, can be particularly prone to abrupt or sudden voltage switching. Also if there’s an interruption in the power supply, preferably such appliances need to be shut down for at least a couple of minutes and then switched ON just to allow proper settling of the compressor fluid.
Since it’s not practically feasible to continuously monitor such malfunctions, a suitable automatic device if installed for the purpose can definitely prove very handy. So what do we exactly expect the device to do? Off course, simply to switch off the refrigerator or similar load during brief power failures (even instantaneous power interruptions) and switch it ON back exactly after a set period of time irrespective of the mains power situation.
The proposed design of refrigerator appliance compressor failure protector circuit is straightforward, complies with the above features. Once installed, it will