Bear natural xampu proposed marrket research
1425 palavras
6 páginas
Bear Natural ShampooBEAR C.A. This company wants to position itself in the customers objective , because it makes products to improve the living standards of both the children and the mothers with the need to protect and care for their children with natural products and anti - allergic to price lower market
To enter a new product to market and to offer another alternative to your target audience, this product is a shampoo called BEAR NATURAL SHAMPOO and like the other products is to offer protection and hygiene at the best price
Market Research
After completing the surveys to mothers and grandmothers of children in the research market, the company made in different strategic points such as perfumeries, supermarkets, shops, chemists about its kind of products on the market and based on their advantages and disadvantages
They recognized the following points:
the company has concluded that the products (Schampoos) for children who are in the market have not prices less accessible to the consumer, irritate baby's skin, little packages have insurance and finally are impractical to handle. The vast majority do not irritate the eyes and some people rely on the care they give the baby's hair.
To Expand
Create innovative products
Have good acceptance in the market
Offer consumers quality at low prices
Consolidate as a company
Having to improve about the product
Having a staff trained in the preparation and distrbutin of products
Prices economic 05%
Irritate the eyes 05%
Protect baby's hair 25%
They protect the skin of the baby 10%
easier to carry 30%
Safety package 20%
Product quality 05%
Customer Needs
Appeared the idea of creating a product for hair hygiene among the most important characteristics is that it is made from plants natural.
Product Features