Análise do discurso
Discourse analysis on press coverage of riots by juvenile law offenders in correctional facilities
Kathie Njaine 1
Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo 2
1 Centro Latino-Americano de Estudos de Violência e Saúde Jorge Carelli,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.
Av. Brasil 4036, sala 700,
Manguinhos, 21040-361,
Rio de Janeiro RJ.
Doutoranda da Escola
Nacional de Saúde Pública 2 Claves, Fiocruz.
Fórum Mundial de Ciências
Sociais e Medicina
Abstract This study presents a qualitative analysis of information produced by the press on riots and escapes by juvenile offenders under correctional custody in Rio de Janeiro. The objective was to identify how the printed media portrays these social subjects to society. The method used to unveil the messages was discourse analysis, which includes various theoretical and technical approaches but was used here as proposed by Norman Fairclough. The study on three newspapers covering inmate riots was justified by the frequency and way by which the media approached the theme. The conclusions point to the media’s role in bolstering a negative and incriminatory view of adolescents under correctional custody which has the potential to spawn further violent measures against this group. Very rarely does the coverage reveal the social or institutional issues or pedagogical insufficiencies permeating such events.
Key words Discourse analysis, Printed media and violence, Juvenile law offenders,
Growth and development, Risk factors
Resumo Este trabalho apresenta uma análise qualitativa da informação produzida pela imprensa escrita sobre as rebeliões e fugas de adolescentes em conflito com a lei, no Rio de
Janeiro. Seu objetivo é identificar como esse sujeito social é apresentado pela mídia escrita à sociedade. O método utilizado para o aprofundamento das mensagens é a análise de discurso, que embora compreenda várias vertentes teóricas e técnicas, aqui é abordado dentro da proposta de