Análise da distribuição espacial das queimadas no Brasil no período de 2000 a 2009
Marcos Leandro Kazmierczak
Codex Remote
Avenida Borges de Medeiros, 659 - Conjunto 503
90020-023 – Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil Abstract. Many global events have discussed environmental matters, and CO2 emission is an always present theme. Contrasting to the positive environmental results in the last 30 years, obtained by the use of biofuel, for many years Brazil has been internationally accused of deforestation and forest fires. Through the period of 2000 to 2009, over 1,65 millions fires sources have been registered with NOAA satellites, and this paper presents a detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of these fires, analyzing regions, states, ecosystems, conservation units and indigenous reserves. It has been registered an average of one fire spot every 5,11km², or one spot every 3 minutes and 10 seconds, during the entire decade. The forest typology that suffer the most impact were the tipologies “Contato” (313,977 spots or 18.99% of total), “Floresta Ombrofila Densa” (250.369 spots or 18.42%), and “Floresta Ombrófila Aberta” (250,369 spots or 15,14%), that together sum 868,974 spots (52.55% of total). It was verified that 50% of fire spots always were concentrated in less than 10% of Brazil's area and that only 18,40% of the area did not present fire spots ocurrency. It was also identified the critical municipalities, generating lists for the country per state and made simulations over the total fire area, with estimatives between 499,403.32 km² and 124,302.00 km².
Palavras-chave: sensoriamento remoto, GIS, detecção de queimadas, remote sensing, fire detection, monitoring.
1. Introdução
Desde a ECO-92, diversas conferências globais têm discutido as questões ambientais e climáticas, como Kyoto em 1997, Bali em 2007, Copenhague em 2009 e Cancún em 2010. Tema constante nestes e em centenas de outros eventos, a emissão de CO2