Djanira Maria Amaral
Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade Estadual Paulista,
Francine Amaral Piubeli
Depto. de Biologia, UNESP,
ABSTRACT: The acquaintance of living creatures, especially the man, with the air pollution, has carryng to serial consequences to man’s health. The effects of these exposition has being marked by a constant enlargement. In developed and development countries, children, adults and old-aged people, sick or not sick, soffer its malefaction. The main polluition sources are the automotive vehicles and the industries, and are very presente in each big urban center. The air has being one of the elements aggressed by man, and it is indispensable to live, but because it is invisible, inodore and plentiful in nature problable the fact has not being observed by man. But, during the man kind history the air characteristics has being changed. As a strategy, has to be ressalted the necessity to monitorate the air qulity, and the atmosferic pollution control.
That must be widely disclosed, and by this way the society has known the quality air problems and the ecological consience will be reinforced.
Key-words: air pollution, atmosfere, contamination and diseases
Área Temática: Gestão Ambiental
Segundo Braga (2003), as grandes concentrações humanas que hoje existem na face da terra podem ser, em muitos aspectos, comparadas com organismos vivos. Dependem de energia para se manter, metabolizam esta energia para o seu funcionamento e produzem resíduos como conseqüência dos seus processos vitais. Resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos são produzidos por qualquer um, através dos processos necessários para manutenção de suas vidas. Compete a todos fazer uso adequado dos recursos energéticos, manter funcionantes os processos metabólicos e manter uma higiene corpórea adequada.
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