Plano especial de estudos/2008 Termo de visita de 29/08/08 do inspetor.
Disciplina:língua Inglesa
Série da Pendência:8º
Valor total: 50 Nota obtida:_______
Data ___/___/___
Professora responsável:_____________________Assinatura da professora:_______________________________ 1.Dê a forma contraída das frases abaixo : a- She is American._______________________________ b- They are not Chinese___________________________ c- He is not Brazilian. ___________________________ d- I am not driver. ___________________________ e- we are not French. ___________________________ f- I am a maid. ___________________________ g- It is strong. ___________________________ h- They are not fat. ___________________________
I – It is not a dog. ___________________________
2.Put the words in the right order.
a. ( a newspaper/resds/every day/ Jill)
b. ( football/ don´t like/very much/ I )
c. (lost/I/my letter/slowly/read)
e. (London/do you know/very well?)
3. Write there is there are:
a. ___________ cars in the park.
b. ___________ trees in the park.
c.___________ a man in the car.
4. Change to interrogative form:
a. There es a cat under the table.
b. There es a ball in the box. _________________________
c. There is a bird on the tree.
d. There are girls in the park . _________________________
5. Write in the plural:
a. There is a bird in the nest. _________________________
b. There is an egg en the nest. _________________________
6. Change to negative form:
a. There is a mouse in the box.
b. There is a pen on the desk.
7. Leia os posters e responda as perguntas;
a. A que horas será o jogo de baseball na terça-feira?
b. Quando vai ser o piquenique?
c. O cinema será na quinta ou sexta-feira?
d. A corrida de bicicleta será terça ou quinta?