O conceito de Ecopedagogia est relacionado com a sustentabilidade
Palavras chaves: ecopedagogia, educação sustentável, pedagogia da Ter o:p>
ABSTRACT: The concept of "Ecopedagogy" is related to life sustainability, forward economy or ecology. The Ecopedagogy includes approaches of "planetaridade", education for the future, sustainability, planetary citizenship, virtuality or even Earth Pedagogy. The main aim of this study is to bring up Earth paradigm as a global community. The ecopedagogy concept is much larger than environmental education, since the central issue aims to debate the process of "co-education", within the culture of sustainability, inside and outside school’s projects. The sustainability education is much more than relationship with environment – it aims to debate, from quotidian life, the deep sense of our existence, our life project in the Planet Earth. In this scene, the Ecopedagogy, or Earth Pedagogy, is much more adequate to the collective process for building Earth Charter.
Key words: Ecopedagogy, education for sustainability, Earth pedagogy
Três décadas de debates sobre "nosso futuro comum" deixaram algumas pegadas ecológicas, tanto no campo da economia, quanto no campo da