A sustentabilidade utilizada como estratégia para as empresas-estudo de caso o boticário franquia serra talhada-pe
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A Sustentabilidade Utilizada como Estratégia para as Empresas-Estudo de Caso O Boticário Franquia Serra Talhada-PEAliny Raquel Lopes de Oliveira
Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
E-mail: alinnyraquel@hotmail.com
Anne Louise Vieira de Lima Simões
Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
E-mail: nany_louise@hotmail.com
Adson Miguel de Melo Lima
Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada
Companies have struggled strategically to communicate with the market, showing that their products or services can meet the needs of consumers, however the final decision to buy the consumer is unique, but the decision may be influenced by companies. One of the most important effects of the practice of social responsibility relates to the higher perceived value of the products or services offered by the companies. This article highlights the concern about the environment and looking for a more sustainable development of the company The Apothecary, in packaging recycling program. The objective is to understand the way consumers see, before this sustainability initiative - knowing the value and use of the program in the franchise Serra Talhada PE. From these data to infer the success of this action as socially responsible strategy for improving brand image, attractiveness and loyalty. It is proposed: What influence sustainability demonstrated through the recycling program packages The Apothecary (Saw franchise Talhada) in the purchase decision of the consumer? The analysis of the main results of the study case involves considerations relating to the implications of the study.
Keywords: Strategy, Sustainability, Consumer Behavior, Social Responsibility.
As empresas têm se esforçado de forma estratégica para se comunicar com o mercado, mostrando que seus produtos ou serviços podem satisfazer as necessidades dos consumidores, todavia a decisão final de comprar é exclusiva do consumidor, porém a decisão pode ser influenciada pelas empresas. Um dos mais importantes efeitos