Studant guide
Historically, the humanities are concerned with the critical knowledge remains the art, philosophy, the individual, culture, economy, power, etc.. In a word, it focuses on the human in all its complexity. Thus, in any of its areas - teaching, research, publishing, journalism, planning, communication, radio, television, film, music and theater - the humanities deal with knowledge and values that guide the formation of societies and examine themselves permanently on the unique human being and the social world in constant transformation.Of course, the prospect of forming new generations is not easy to be fulfilled at a time permeated by the priority of efficiency, in which time is dramatically accelerates the traditional social roles can not reproduce, the certainties are put in check and life is to be guided by the logic of disposability. Resulting from a transition to a new pattern of production and technology on a planetary scale, these changes involve new educational requirements and has a strong impact not only at work but in life in all its dimensions.This is a crucial issue, since the two main goals of education - the transmission of knowledge and culture necessary for social integration and the formation of autonomous human beings - has been losing its meaning in contemporary societies. This generalizes the view that professional success depends exclusively on the acquisition of useful knowledge'''', which in its application bring immediate material benefits to their holders. We lose sight of how the school and the University should not only educate and train for the market, but mainly to educate for life and form human beings capable of thinking critically and moral autonomy. And that's where we find theimportance the humanities as a kind of memory that is (and was) the man, and thought of what he said about himself, rescuing and knowing the mistakes and failures of our society, constituting a basis essential to teach live in the