Publication Number MU29000-ENG-1040
Proprietary and Restricted Rights Notice
This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. © 2011 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Getting started with Solid Edge
This Test Drive demonstrates typical workflows for modeling parts, creating assemblies, creating detailed drawings, and performing finite-element analysis simulations with Solid Edge. Get behind the wheel and discover for yourself how easy Solid Edge is to use!
This Test Drive does not demonstrate everything Solid Edge can do. Its purpose is to show you how powerful and intuitive Solid Edge is, and to get you started so you can learn more on your own. Expect to spend about two hours working through this guide.
Getting started with Solid Edge
Introduction to part modeling
In this activity you will construct the model shown in the illustration above while learning various synchronous modeling techniques, such as: • • • • • Drawing sketches Constructing features Dimensioning model edges Working with PathFinder Editing features
You will also create a preliminary drawing of the 3D model using the Quicksheet capability in Solid Edge.
Getting started with Solid Edge
Lesson 1
Introduction to part modeling
Solid Edge Part Modeling Workflow Overview
You model parts in Solid Edge using the following basic workflow: • • • • • • Draw a sketch for the first feature. Add dimensions to the sketch. Extrude or revolve the sketch into a solid feature. Add more features. Edit the model dimensions and solid geometry to complete the part. Create a drawing.
Solid Edge is made up of several components called environments. These environments are tailored for