Romeu e julieta

684 palavras 3 páginas
Matheus Borges
Romeu e Julieta

Trabalho referente a disciplina de Inglês do 4º bimestre do Colégio Adventista de Diadema. Orientado professor Adriano. Realizado pelo aluno Matheus Aparecido Alves Borges, do 2º ano B, número 24.

21 de outubro de 2012

The plot is set in Verona, Italy, around the year 1500 and it loves of a young couple (Romeo and Juliet), who despite being from rival families fall in love for each other. In this story the sword fights, the disguise, misunderstanding, tragedy, humor and passion symbolize the language as a whole, true love. Two families (the Montagues and the Capulets) are enemies for many years. Old Capulet, Juliet's father gives a great feast to which he invites all friends of the family. As is evident, the family of Montagues not part of the guest list. However, like Romeo Montagues walks interested in Rosaline, a young woman who was invited to the party and arranges a plan to be able to see during this festival. So, Romeo goes undercover in the house of the enemies of his family. Once inside, your attention goes to Juliet, and not for Rosaline. He falls in love immediately and is very disappointed when he knows that Juliet is a Capulet. Romeo nor Juliet goes unnoticed, but she does not know he is a Montagues. Later, after discovering that the young man who is in love is the son of the enemy family, Juliet goes to the porch and count the stars who has a forbidden love. Romeo, hiding in some bushes underneath the balcony, listening to the confessions of Juliet and does not resist. It presents Juliet and tells you who is also in love with her. With the help of a friend of Romeo? Friar Lawrence, Romeo and Juliet secretly marry the next day. On the wedding day two friends of Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio, wandering the streets of Verona and meet with Tybalt, Juliet's cousin. Tybolt, who had heard that Romeo had been present at the house of his uncles, he seeks revenge for this and discuss with friends of


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