Prática Experimental: decomposição térmica do dióxido de chumbo

1070 palavras 5 páginas
annabis addiction

Two studies evaluating the use of NAC in cannabis dependence were found (20, 21). Gray et al.20 conducted a 4-week open-label study using 2.4 g/day of NAC in 24 patients with cannabis dependence voluntarily seeking treatment (18 men and six women). The mean age was 19 years. There was a small reduction in self-reported use of cannabis, from 6.1 days/week of use before treatment to 5.2 days/week in the second week (p = 0.006), 5.2 days/week in the third week (p = 0.001), and 5.3 days/week in the fourth week (p = 0.03). There was no significant reduction in the number of joints/day. There was a reduction in cravings for marijuana, assessed using the Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (p < 0.01). These findings notwithstanding, there was no reduction in urinary levels of cannabinoids during the treatment period, as measured by semiquantitative cannabinoid urinary levels corrected for creatinine.

Gray et al.21 conducted a double-blind, randomized trial using 2.4 g/day of NAC (n=58) or placebo (n=58) for 8 weeks in adolescents with a diagnosis of marijuana dependence. In addition, individuals in both groups received a contingency management intervention and cessation counseling. The sample comprised 116 subjects (84 male and 32 female), with a mean age of 18.9 years. Outcome variables were weekly urinary dosage of cannabinoids and self-reported cannabis use. Participants in the NAC group had more than twice the odds of having a negative urine cannabinoid test compared to the placebo group (odds ratio = 2.4, 95%CI 1.1-5.2; c2 = 4.72, p = 0.029). There was no between-group difference in the number of reported days of marijuana use. Consumo, plantio e venda da droga é ilegal em praticamente todo o mundo, mas a rigidez e a aplicação da lei varia bastante entre países. Veja o mapa da legislação e clique nas bandeiras para ler mais detalhes sobre as leis naquele local.
Uso de maconha nos países

Ilegal, mas sem pena para consumo


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