Provas de ingles 3b

1561 palavras 7 páginas
Avaliação de INGLÊS 2ª Série CEnsino Médio
Profª Iris

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões de 01 à 04:
New moves to get women back to work Monday September 11, 04:08 AM
The Government is to announce a package of measures designed to destroy barriers to women succeeding in the workplace.
Among the initiatives is a national campaign to encourage businesses to sign up as "exemplar employers" offering women help with flexible working, time-share, and good quality part-time work.
New national standards should be determined for local education authorities, requiringthem by April 2007 to offer schoolgirls "careers information, advice and guidance which is free from gender stereotyping".
Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will say: "The best of business already understands the benefits that flexible working delivers, but it's time the rest jump on board. There is a practical business reason - helping women harness their full potential is worth up to £23 billion a year to the UK economy, according to the Commission.
"So my message to business is clear, this is not about political correctness, this is about improving your profit margins.
" She will add: "We have given parents the basic rights to improve their choices and help them succeed at home and at work. But the challenge now is to ensure we establish a long-term change in attitude and a major expansion of opportunities, with businesses helping individuals make the most of their talents."
(Adapted from: 01. Em relação ao texto lido, pode-se afirmar que
(A) é uma correspondência pessoal.
(B) é uma carta formal.
(C) é uma notícia de jornal.
(D) é um anúncio publicitário.
(E) é uma lista de orientações.
02. De acordo com Ms. Kelly, a razão para trazer as mulheres de volta ao mercado de trabalho é que:
(A) elas são bem-sucedidas.
(B) falta mão-de-obra feminina.
(C) há uma necessidade de ações politicamente corretas.


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