Polui o

794 palavras 4 páginas
Pollution : Pollute the environment is a crime that many people are making indiscriminately, and those people who pollute indiscriminately are not thinking about a future that may have a lot of pollution in the environment.Is causing many evils the world population, this is causing serious diseases in cases of floods has been happening too often in southern Brazil and alias in all regions to be honest, but not only floods that happen because of the pollution caused by humans without any consciousness.The pollution caused by the burning gases and pollutants coming out of the tailpipes of cars and factories contribute to a global problem known as global warming, and because of this worldwide problem that many should think very carefully before pollute our ecosystem.

Men disregard of the laws : It is prohibited by law, but humans have to follow the law, but it does not actually that's too bad, but you do your part, if you see someone polluting be sure, do your part, who do your part will be thinking the future of the planet already suffered enough at the hands of humans.People who contribute not go wrong in the near future, because they will be living on a planet that may be free of such pollution and leave a healthier planet for their next generations. Pollution Still Continues People who continue polluting the environment should think a little more in the future of the planet and their children and grandchildren can live up to a planet taken by pollution, those who do not want to imagine this future, should stop now to pollute the environment in any way environment that has already suffered too much, and then they stop polluting should educate their children and others to never throw garbage in the environment.Trash place is in the trash, although it is a simple phrase, many people throw trash on the street. So pay more attention to their attitudes.

Tradução :
Poluição : Poluir o meio ambiente é um crime que muitas pessoas estão


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