To Install the server you just have to extract the .rar file you you C directory. It's vital that it gets extracted to the C directory, or else you can't update it (wich is essential). when that is done you have a folder at C:\CSS Server containing all the server files and what not.
Next you want to add yourself as admin and here's how you do:
go to C:\CSS Server\cstrike\cfg\mani_admin_plugin
Open up adminlist.txt configuration
Follow the instructions given in the text file if you're not sure what your steam ID is, go to a random game online and type status in the console.
Server settings can be configured in C:\CSS Server\cstrike\cfg in the Server.cfg file.
The last thing you need to do in order for everything to work is portforwarding. www.portforward.com is a great website with info on close to every router out there on portforwarding. for counter strike you wanna forward ports 27011 in both TCP and UDP as well as port 27015 (also TCP and UDP)
Updating the server:
Before you run the server for the first time, it's important that you run the update. Chances are that the game may have been updated in the time this has been on tpb.
To update you simply run the Server Update shortcut found at C:\CSS Server
Starting up the server:
Now all we need to do is start up the server.
To do this we need to make a shortcut for the srcds.exe found in C:\CSS Server.
When that is done you need to right click that shortcut and go to properties.
Here we need to add a little something in the "target" field. It should say something like:
we want to add -console -game Cstrike +map de_dust2 -maxplayers 24 -autoupdate +port 27015 -tickrate 100 into the target field, so now it says:
C:\GMOD\srcds.exe -console -game Cstrike +map de_dust2 -maxplayers 24 -autoupdate +port 27015 -tickrate 100 you can go ahead and change these settings, if you want more/less players or another map to play. In any case your server is