Linux commands
Switching between graphics mode (From: kde, xfce, gnome, etc. .. to text mode), sintax: type: CTRL + ALT + F1 (the key).Switch between text mode to graphics mode, syntax: CTRL + ALT + F7 (the key).Being inside the terminal, switch immediately to use the graphical mode type: startxwhatis = it's used for know about some program, for example: "whatis mkdir" then the system is aproaching the significated about the command : "mkdir". and so forth..--help = is the primary method for acquiring information about the functions of a specific command, for example: "yum --help", thus the system will make a listing of all functions that allowable function for each query.To unzip files these are the simple commands for each type:zip:gunzip "filename".ziprar:unrar "filename".rartar:tar xvf "filename".tartar.gz:tar vzxf "filename".tar.gzbz2:bunzip "filename".bz2tar.bz2:tar jxvf "filename".tar.bz2Commands for manipulating = list directories. Along this command can be included the following options:options:-A,-all List all files (including hidden) from a directory.-A,-almost-all List all files (including hidden) in a directory except the directory of the current and previous level.-B,-ignore-backups Do not list files ending in ~ (Backup).PARAM-color = Shows the files in different colors depending on the type of file. PARAMmay be:• never - never list color (same thing not to use the-color).• always - always list in color depending on the type of file.• auto - only colors the list if you are in a terminal.-D directory-list directory names instead of the content.-F Do not sort the listing.F Inserts a character-after executable files ('*'), directories ('/'), socket ('='), but link ('@') and pipe ('|').its use is useful for easily identifying types of files on directory listings.-G,-no-group Hides the