indicadores de saude - quanto ao gênero

4323 palavras 18 páginas

Gender, morbidity, access and utilization of health services in Brazil

Rejane Sobrino Pinheiro 1
Francisco Viacava 2
Cláudia Travassos 2
Alexandre dos Santos Brito 1

1 Núcleo de Estudos de Saúde Coletiva e Departamento de
Medicina Preventiva da
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro –
Av. Brigadeiro Trompowski s/n. Cidade Universitária,
Ilha do Fundão. 21941-590
Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 2 Departamento de
Informações em Saúde,
Centro de Informação
Científica e Tecnológica da Fiocruz.

Abstract This paper analyses the profile of perceived morbidity, access and use of health services among men and women in Brazil according to age and urban/rural situation. Data from PNAD/98 showed that gender differences in morbidity vary with age: unfavorable to boys up to 10 years old and to women after
15 years of age. Differences rise with age up to age 64 and slow down after on. The high prevalence of attendance suggests that barriers for access for those who seek health care are small.
Nevertheless, the high percentage of people who did not seek health services among those who believe needed, indicates that access are important and dependent on the supply. The health plan coverage is greater among urban areas, but there is no significant gender differences within the areas. Differences between women and men in acute care rates are low, compared with the preventive care rates, greater for women. Inpatient rates were greater for women, even after excluding delivery. The financing of inpatient hospitalizations was not different between sexes, but there was a higher use of health plan for women in the urban sectors and higher use of the public health system (SUS) for rural women and out of pocket payment for rural men.
Key words Gender, Perceived morbidity, Access, Health services utilization

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o perfil de morbidade referida,


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