Fisica 2 Pratica Ondas Estacion Rias
Linear Regression of dataset: Table1_2, using function: A*x+B
Weighting Method: No weighting
From x = 1,000000000000000e+00 to x = 5,000000000000000e+00
B (y-intercept) = -6,300000000000001e-01 +/- 2,833725463060949e-01
A (slope) = 4,610000000000000e+00 +/- 8,544003745317526e-02
Chi^2/doF = 7,299999999999991e-02
R^2 = 0,998970574410078
Adjusted R^2 = 0,997941148820156
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) = 0,270185121722126
RSS (Residual Sum of Squares) = 0,219
Gráfico 2
Linear Regression of dataset: Table1_2, using function: A*x+B
Weighting Method: No weighting
From x = 1,000000000000000e+00 to x = 5,000000000000000e+00
B (y-intercept) = 2,599999999999992e-01 +/- 2,199999999999995e-01
A (slope) = 7,000000000000001e+00 +/- 6,633249580710784e-02
Chi^2/doF = 4,399999999999981e-02
R^2 = 0,999730684795116
Adjusted R^2 = 0,999461369590233
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) = 0,20976176963403
RSS (Residual Sum of Squares) = 0,131999999999999
Gráfico 3
Linear Regression of dataset: Table1_2, using function: A*x+B
Weighting Method: No weighting
From x = 1,000000000000000e+00 to x = 5,000000000000000e+00
B (y-intercept) = 1,800000000000006e-01 +/- 5,306599664568652e-01
A (slope) = 7,119999999999999e+00 +/- 1,600000000000004e-01
Chi^2/doF = 2,560000000000012e-01
R^2 = 0,998487331400479
Adjusted R^2 = 0,996974662800958
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) = 0,505964425626942
RSS (Residual Sum of Squares) = 0,768000000000004
É o fenômeno que ocorre quando a freqüência da fonte excitadora é igual a freqüência natural do oscilador.
A ressonância produz a máxima transferência de energia da fonte excitadora, produtora das oscilações forçadas,