Expressive arts

99024 palavras 397 páginas
Principles and Practice of Expressive Arts Therapy

of related interest
Foundations of Expressive Arts Therapy
Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives
ISBN 1 85302 463 5

Edited by Stephen K. Levine and Ellen G. Levine Poiesis

The Language of Psychology and the Speech of the Soul

Stephen K. Levine Foreword by Paolo Knill
ISBN 1 85302 488 0

The Healing Flow: Artistic Expression in Therapy Martina Schnetz Foreword by V. Darroch-Lozowski Foreword by David C. Wright
ISBN 1 84310 205 6

Creative Arts and the Process of Healing: An Image/Word Approach Inquiry

Art-Based Research Shaun McNiff
ISBN 1 85302 621 2 pb ISBN 1 85302 620 hb

The Expressive Body in Life, Art and Therapy
Working with Movement, Metaphor and Meaning

Daria Halprin Foreword by Jack S. Weller
ISBN 1 84310 737 6

Principles and Practice of Expressive Arts Therapy
Toward a Therapeutic Aesthetics
Paolo J. Knill Ellen G. Levine Stephen K. Levine

Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia

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