Conflito de uso do solo da microbacia Mato Escuro, município de Palmeira, SC

3258 palavras 14 páginas
Anais XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, 13 a 18 de abril de 2013, INPE

Conflito de uso do solo da microbacia Mato Escuro, município de Palmei

Abstract. The identification and mapping of land use conflicts in a given area constitute important information for environmental management and can be obtained from different perspectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the conflicts of land use of the watershed Mato Escuro, located in Palmeira, SC, using geoprocessing techniques. For analysis physiographic panchromatic aerial photographs were used, interpreted in esterescópio and converted to digital format via the flatbed scanner, identified according to methodology Botero (1977).
Based on physiographic map was generated map of land use suitability, fitness classes whose use was determined through use of the Fitness Rating Methodology for Use of State Lands of Santa Catarina. For the mapping of the use and occupation of land was used Quick Bird satellite image, the classes of land use were mapped in ArcGIS software: annual crop, forest, field, reforestation; weir. The suitability maps and use and occupation of land constituted different information layers and overlapping of these plans, generated map of land use conflicts in the study area. The predominant physiographic unit in the area was the colluvial erosional slope, with ability to use the land for predominant class 2 slope and susceptibility to erosion. There were no conflicts of use in the area, only the presence of underutilized areas and restriction, requiring soil management practices.
Palavras-chave: remote sensing, suitability of land use, physiography, sensoriamento remoto, aptidão de uso, fisiografia. 1. Introdução
O aumento das populações humanas vem acompanhado de um processo de fragmentação de áreas nativas tanto para utilização em atividades rurais como industriais e urbanização. A falta de um planejamento racional de uso da


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