Composição da fauna de morcegos (mammalia, chiroptera) em cavernas do bioma cerrado na região de indiara (goiás)
5235 palavras
21 páginas
208.SILVA ET AL ISSN 1517-6770
Revista Brasileira de
11(3): 208-216, dezembro 2009
Composição da fauna de morcegos (Mammalia, Chiroptera) em cavernas do bioma Cerrado na região de Indiara (Goiás) João Paulo Antunes da Silva1, Adriana Rosa Carvalho1 & José Augusto de Oliveira Motta2
Laboratório de Pesquisa Ecológica e Educação Científica, Universidade Estadual de Goiás- UnUCET, campus de Anápolis, BR 153, Km 98, Caixa Postal 459. CEP 75074-840, Anápolis, GO, Brasil. E-mail:, 2 IBAMA-GO, Rua 229, 95. CEP 74605-090, Goiânia, GO, Brasil. E-mail:
Abstract. Bat fauna composition (Chiroptera, Mammalia) of caves in Cerrado region. The present work aimed verifies th e composition, diversi ty and seasonality of the bat fauna from fo ur caves in the Cerrad o region of Indiara, Goiás. A survey was performed at Lapa do Joel, Marimbondos cave, NH 3 cave and Lapa Grande from October/2003 to April/2004. A total of ten species from three bat families were registered. The richest bat family was Phyllostomi dae family represented by ei ght species: Desmodus rotundus, Glossophaga soricina, Caro llia p ersp i ci l la ta , C hro to p te ru s a u ri t us, Mim o n b en n et t ii , L on c ho rhi n a a uri ta , L on c h op h y ll a d e k ey se ri an d Mic ro n yc te ris me ga l ot is. F a mi l ie s Em ba l lo n uri da e a n d N at a li d ae w ere re pre se n te d j u st by on e sp ec i es: Peropteryx macrotis and Natalus stramineus, respectively. The observed bat fauna composition was similar to that previously reported for the Cerrado region, but some species presented different population sizes from the exp ecte d on es. The comp osit ion of sp ecie s an alyz ed b y th e Ja ccard in dex a nd t he richn ess of speci es w ere similar among the caves. In general, the abundance was different per cave and per season and Marimbondos ca ve is sli gh tly di sti nct from th e o the rs,