Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Instituto de Ciências Biológicas Departamento de Morfologia Professor Greg Kitten (J3-310 ou J3-339)
Citoesqueleto com confocal e atomic force microscopy
(Meller and Theiss - Ultramicroscopy 2006)
Fig 1
Fig 3
Meller and Theiss - Ultramicroscopy 2006
Notes: Atomic force microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy on the cytoskeleton of permeabilised and embedded cells Karl Meller and Carsten Theiss Ultramicroscopy Volume 106, Issues 4-5, March 2006, Pages 320-325 Fig. 1. CLSM and AFM on the same lens epithelial cells (LEC). (a) Montage of a large area of phalloidin-rhodamine-stained actin filaments in LEC imaged in liquid by CLSM. (b–e) After permeabilisation, fixation and embedding, the same area was analysed with the aid of AFM. Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3) indicate the same regions imaged with CLSM and AFM. Scale bars: 50 μm. Fig. 3. The cytoskeleton could be visualized with high resolution using AFM. Images display the cytoskeleton in the same cell with increasing magnification from an overview (a), to medium magnification (b), and in 3-D with high resolution (c). In (b), arrows indicate geodesic dome structures of bundles of actin filaments with the cell membrane.
Citoesqueleto: - Constitui um conjunto dinâmico de moléculas que assume aspectos diferentes de acordo com o tipo celular e com as necessidades da célula. Funções: - Estabelece, modifica e mantém a forma celular: suporta o grande volume do citoplasma. - Regula organização das organelas e das células. - Regula movimentos celulares e deslocamentos intracelulares de organelas, cromossomos (segregação durante a mitose), vesículas e grânulos.
Constituintes: - Rede complexa de: a) microtúbulos; b) filamentos de actina (microfilamentos); c) filamentos intermediários. d) filamentos de miosina (veremos em Tecido Muscular) - need separate PLUS a