O estado
Spanish and Portuguese form of MICHAEL (*). A notable bearer of this name was Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), the Spanish novelist and poet who wrote 'Don Quixote'.
Miguel, a 2-syllable boy's name of Hebrew/Spanish origin, means: Who is like God?.
Historical event: April 16 | 1st Seniors Golf Tradition: Don Bies wins | April 16 | Berendrechtsluis opens in Antwerp, biggest flood lock in world | April 16 | Costa Rica beats U.S. 1-0, in 3rd round of 1990 world soccer cup | April 16 | Pat Bradley wins LPGA AI Star/Centinela Hospital Golf Classic | April 16 | Zeleka Metaferia wins 3rd World Cup marathon (2:10:28) |
Age in years & days at the time of the oral presentation:
From and including: Domingo, 16 de Abril de 1989
To, but not including : Sexta-feira, 11 de Dezembro de 2009
It is 7544 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date
Or 20 years, 7 months, 25 days excluding the end date
Alternative time units
7544 days can be converted to one of these units: * 651.801.600 seconds * 10.863.360 minutes * 181.056 hours * 1077 weeks (rounded down)
3.1. Literary figure:
April 16, 1922
Kingsley Amis is born
Amis wrote more than 40 books during his career, including about 20 novels and six volumes of poetry. He spent a year teaching at Princeton University in New Jersey and later became a fellow at Cambridge. His 1986 book, The Old Devils, won the coveted Booker Prize. Known for his curmudgeonly manner, Amis was knighted in 1990 and published his caustic autobiography, Memoirs, in 1991. Amis died in 1995.
Music of the year:
1989 (best music)
1. Fight the Power - Public Enemy
Best Band and Album- The Stone Roses ( 1989 )
Driving Miss Daisy was the most nominated film and the Best Picture winner in 1989
Best actor: Tom Cruise in "Born on the Fourth of July",
Best actress: JESSICA TANDY in "Driving Miss Daisy"
5. Nostalgia: video game of the year