A Próxima Revolução em TI O Ecossistema SOA e “BPM”
C urrently the speed and amount of information that surrounds us is necessary to acquire and adapt methodologies and technologies to treat them in our favor, always thinking of speed, quality and low cost services. Over the years since the invention of the computer until the very day has passed and technology has evolved and continues to evolve and this requires that professionals and businesses to remain current to track a market where everyone is demanding and competitive thus several difficulties are encountered in corporations to stay in this market, such as internal politics, resistance to change, not professional expertise and lack of corporate resources.
To improve processes of internal and external services, there were several ideas that have optimized these same processes, then the sectors financial, industrial, commercial, among others, have benefited much from the insertion and facilities that technology has brought, for example, the BPM (Business Process Management) methodology by which its function is to organize, and automate processes with speed and quality, to map these same process we can use the workflow (Workflow) that directs the entire process from its beginning, middle and end, for managing this process can use a tool like ERP (Enterprise Management Integrated Systems) known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which deals separately and joining processes for modules, powered by a single repository of information thus automating business sectors to make agile human labor, and finally, the technology SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) that only its name from an idea how to work with service by standards that are cited in continuing this.
And with Hardware and Internet became accessible to the vast majority of society, Computer Network connecting all the internal sectors of the company, Web Service connecting internal and external computers, encryption ensuring the confidentiality of data transfer, then, with all these trends