A literatura na educação infantil

7405 palavras 30 páginas

O presente trabalho fala sobre as contribuições de literatura na Educação Infantil. Para elaboração desta foi feito um estudo bibliográfico de diferentes autores que abordam o tema. Depois de feito o estudo bibliográfico foram registrados os principais conteúdos pesquisados.

Palavras-chave: literatura infantil, educação infantil, aplicação, realidade.


The present work speaks about the contributions of the literature in children education; to elaboration of this work was maid a bibliographic study of different writers that the theme. After it was a registration done with the main subjects studied. Looking to understand the reality of the explication of the literature in children’s education in “x” school localizated in Montes Claros city, was developed an interview with three teachers of the children education of this school with the objective to know the application or not of the literature in the class context and to know the opinion of the teachers about the worked theme. The research of the camp show the effective of this kind of teach.

Key-words: children’s literature, education, aplication, reality.


INTRODUÇÃO…………………………………………………………………………… 08
1.1 – Educação Infantil ........................................................................................................ 10
1.1.2 – Organização da Educação Infantil do Brasil............................................................ 11
1.1.3 – Pressupostos teóricos de desenvolvimento cognitivo segundo Piaget e Vygotsky... 12
1.2 – A Literatura na Educação Infantil ............................................................................... 14
1.2.1 – Literatura


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