Willys de Castro
Palavras-chave: Willys de Castro. Arte. Design.
MELLO, Lygia Santiago de. Objetos Pluriativados – Calculation and poetry in graphic designs of Willys de Castro. 2013. 150f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História e Critica da Arte) – Instituto de Artes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
In the period between 1954 and 1964, Willys de Castro devoted to, among other tasks, Estúdio de Projetos Gráficos. This dissertation examines four brands developed at this time, and performed concomitantly the production of his paintings, sculptures and objects. Willys brands seem to become a synthesis of his work, his art as a whole. To perform this analysis the dissertation traces his career in the design field in Brazil. Because of the very few publications about the artist, particularly with respect to its graphic production, this work tries to be as complete as possible for the study of art and design in Brazil so far.
Keywords: Willys de Castro. Art. Design.