Vestibulinho de ingles
* Choose the most appropriate answer to the questions below:
26 - The translation of "A happy teacher is a good teacher" may be:
a) Um professor feliz é um bom professor.
b) Um professor bom tem alunos felizes.
c) Alunos são felizes quando têm um bom professor.
d) Um bom professor vive feliz.
27– This emoticon shows that the person is:
a) happy
b) sad
c) embarrassed
d) tired
28 - The correct sequence of the fruits below is:
a) banana - strawberry – grapes – pineapple - watermelon
b) watermelon – grapes – pineapple – strawberry - banana
c) grapes - watermelon – strawberry – banana - pineapple
d) pineapple – banana – strawberry – watermelon - grapes
29 - The correct sequence of the occupations below is:
[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]
a) doctor - teacher - dentist – student - singer
b) teacher – dentist – doctor – student - singer
c) student – singer – doctor – dentist - teacher
d) singer – doctor – teacher – dentist - student
30 – The correct interrogative form of the sentence “He is hungry” is:
a) He is not hungry?
b) He isn’t hungry?
c) He is hungry?
d) Is he hungry?
26 – Number the second column according to the first one:
1. shirt ( ) vestido
2. pants ( ) jaqueta
3. socks ( ) meias
4. jacket ( ) calça
5. dress ( ) camisa
• The correct sequence in the second column is:
a) 4 – 5