Verbos em hangul/coreano -ver.eng
631 palavras
3 páginas
Korean Verbs(affirmative form)가다 - To Go Verb Stem -가 | Formal | Standard | Intimate | Present | 갑니다 | 갔습니다 | 갈 겁니다 | Past | 갔습니다 | 갔어요 | 갔어 | Future | 갈 겁니다 | 갈게요 | 갈게 |
먹다 - To Eat Verb Stem - 먹 | Formal | Standard | Intimate | Present | 먹습니다 | 먹어요 | 먹어 | Past | 먹었습니다 | 먹었어요 | 먹었어 | Future | 먹을 겁니다 | 먹을게요 | 먹을게 |
하다 - To do Verb Stem - 하 | Formal | Standard | Intimate | Present | 합니다 | 해요 | 해 | Past | 했습니다 | 했어요 | 했어 | Future | 할 겁니다 | 할게요 | 할게 |
쓰다 - To write Verb Stem - 쓰 | Formal | Standard | Intimate | Present | 씁니다 | 써요 | 써 | Past | 썼습니다 | 썼어요 | 썼어 | Future | 쓸 겁니다 | 쓸게요 | 쓸게 |
읽다 - To read Verb Stem - 읽 | Formal | Standard | Intimate | Present | 읽습니다 | 읽어요 | 읽어 | Past | 읽었습니다 | 읽었어요 | 읽었어 | Future | 읽을 겁니다 | 읽을게요 | 읽을게 |
To turn a verb into a negative, just add 안 in front of the verb.
Most Korean dictionaries list verbs (동사) in a form that ends in 다(da): * 이다: to be * 사다: to buy * 전화하다: to call * 만들다: to make/create * 오다: to come * 하다: to do * 마시다: to drink * 먹다: to eat * 가다: to go * 주다: to give * 갖다: to have | * 싫어하다: to dislike/hate * 알다: to know * 배우다: to learn * 좋아하다: to like * 사랑하다: to love * 듣다: to listen/hear * 움직이다: to move (around) * 놀다: to play * 읽다: to read * 말하다: to speak | * 자다: to sleep * 보다: to see/watch * 가르치다: to teach * 치다: to hit * 생각하다: to think * 원하다: to want * 일어나다: to wake up * 쓰다: to write * 걷다: to walk * 잠자다: to sleep |
If the verb stem ends in a vowel, add 시, but if it ends in a consonant, add 으시. Thus, the honorific form of 가다 ("to go") is 가시다 and the honorific form of 걷다 ("to walk") is 걸으시다.
Speech levels
합쇼체 is the formal, polite speech level in Korean (add honorifics), it’s used commonly between strangers, among male co-workers, by TV announcers, and to customers.
해요체 is the informal polite speech, it’s used when people of similar age or social standing converse:
To create the 해요체 form of