18226 palavras
73 páginas
A História da GeografiaA História da Geografia
Jorge Manuel Dias Sequeira (*)
Tenente-Coronel de Infantaria (Mestre)
Geography has always been a central matter to Humanity, the initial reason for this was survival – the search for food, warrior activities and later because of trade. The object of the study of geography is the existing relation between men and their surrounding environment.
The purpose of this article is to show how geography has evolved throughout the centuries focusing on epochs and authors we understand have been most important, such as the Greek civilization, the middle ages, the contribute of philosophers like Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter, geographic schools, new geography, radial and humanist geography and other geographical concepts.
The concept of geography itself has suffered some frequent metamorphosis over the centuries. However, geography can be understood as the “science that studies the variations of special distributions of phenomena on the surface of the Earth, as well as the relations of the natural environment with Humanity and the individualization and analysis of the regions on the surface of the
Earth” (Baud et al, 1999, p.127).
Keywords: Geography, Spatial Distribution, Science, Relation between Humanity and the Environment.
Professor Regente da Unidade Curricular de Geografia e Teoria Geral de Estratégia na Academia Militar. Coordenador do Grupo Disciplinar de Comando e Estratégia Militar. Membro do Conselho Editorial da Revista
Proelium. Doutorando em Geografia Humana no Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território na Universidade de Lisboa.
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Proelium – Revista Científica da Academia Militar
O Homem sempre se preocupou com a Geografia, tendo como razão inicial a sua sobrevivência – busca de alimentos, actividade guerreira e posteriormente comercial. O objecto de estudo da Geografia é a relação do homem com o meio.
O objectivo deste