traça no tomate
Avenida Fued José Sebba Edifício Recanto Real Ap. 604 Sn.Qd. A 25 Lt. 12-15 Jardim Goiás-74805-100 Goiânia/ Goiás. Eficácia De Inseticidas Para Controle De Tuta Absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Na Cultura Do Tomate.
Laryssa Moreira Bernardes¹ Mariana Araujo Ortega²
Bruno Alves Rosa Soares3
Alexandre J. Silva4 Cecilia Czepak5
Universidade federal de Goiás – Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos – Campus Samambaia – Rodovia Goiânia/Nova Veneza, km 0 – Cx. Postal 131 – 74001-970 Goiânia/Goiás marianaaortega@hotmail.com²;bruno.ars@hotmail.com³;; ²Syngenta Proteção de Cultivos Ltda. Av. Nações Unidas, 18001-2º andar, São Paulo/SP CEP: 04795900, alexandre.jose@syngenta.com4.
The tomato is one of the most common crops in the world, important crop for smallfarmers and large, but difficult to manage because the applications made duringthe entire crop. The tomato leafminer, which despite being only a week bring much harm to tomato growers.
Was evaluated in the municipality of Goianápolis / GO, Tuta absolute control with contact insecticides and ingestion, applied by spraying, the crop of tomatoes. The experiment was carried out from August to October 2008 using an experimental design of randomized blocks with seven treatments and four replications. Each plot consisted of five meters in length. The treatments were: Voliam Targo, in the doses of 30, 45 and 60 ml of p.c./ha; Ampligo in the doses of 20 and 30 ml of p.c./ha; Pirate in the dose of 50 ml of p.c./ha and control. Three sprays weekly and began 35 days after transplantation of culture. Since the tests conducted in 25 leaves and 25 fruits of each plot. It can be concluded that insecticides Voliam Targo in the doses of 45 and 60 ml of p.c./ha and Ampligo in the doses of 20 and 30 ml of p.c./ha