THE AUTHOR understands that the region's history, from the arrival of the first Europeans until the present days, has been a trajectory of losses and damages. The Amazon has been a victim of what seems to be its greatest gifts: its magic, its exuberance, and its wealth. She analyzes the attempts at economic and social development of the Amazon in past decades, as well as government efforts to integrate, domesticate and "civilize" the region. She defends the idea that the models applied so far have benefited more the country than the region itself, and have led men to lose their roots while also destroying nature, without achieving their goals, and that such development will only cause more social inequality, more regional unbalance and will lead to the destruction of a huge part of natural resources; and finally, that regional development could be furthered in a different way, now and in the future.
A história da Amazônia tem sido uma trajetória de perdas e danos
A HISTÓRIA da região tem sido, da chegada dos