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"Firstly, what is" El Niño "? I'll tell you: it is the abnormal warming of the equatorial waters of the Pacific Ocean in the vicinity of Peru and Ecuador itself -Ca va sans dire.Como reaches other regions, bathed by the same ocean, ends up causing atmospheric changes in several places. In Brazil, drought in the Northeast and floods in the South - and meteorological problems in India, Australia and Indonesia.
But why nomeEl Niño? It is the phenomenon that occurs about five times every 20 years, usually manifests itself near December 25, presumed date of Jesus' birth. Therefore, Peruvian anchovy fishermen named the comoel niño boy in Spanish, reminding the boy Jesus. This, the explanation.
The últimoEl Niñode great intensity occurred in 1997/1998. Left trail of large fires in northern Brazil, caused the death of over two thousand people worldwide and caused losses of $ 33 million, which damage!
Today, we are told by scientists that OEL Niñoe the greenhouse effect will warm the climate of the planet. In fact, the current year 2007 will be the hottest in history, with possible and nothing pleasant consequences for humanity.
Revenue to tackle the problem: resignation and stoicism. That way? "
COTRIM, Marcio. "The fenômenoEl Niño- The reasons for the baptism of adverse weather" magazine in Portuguese. São Paulo: Segment, Year II, n. 17 March In 2007.
O fenômenoEl Niño- As razões do batismo de uma ocorrência climática
“Em primeiro lugar, o que é “El Niño”? Já lhe digo: é o aquecimento anormal das águas equatoriais do Oceano Pacífico nas imediações do Peru e do próprio Equador –ça va sans dire.Como alcança outras regiões, banhadas pelo mesmo oceano, acaba provocando alterações atmosféricas em vários lugares. No Brasil, seca no Nordeste e inundações no Sul – e problemas metereológicos na Índia, Austrália e Indonésia.
Mas por que o nomeEl Niño? É o fenômeno,