Arte, religião, culinária, pintura, idiomas, religião, invenções e música
Exemplo de pintura chinesa
Chinese Culture
Art, religion, cooking, painting, languages , religion, music and inventions Example of Chinese painting
Writing and languages
The Chinese writing is based on ideograms (drawings), and they represent ideas, objects, feelings, etc.. Mandarin is the most spoken dialect in China, but there are others, eg, Wu, Cantonese dialects min jin xiang, Kejia, gan, among others.
In China there is great religious diversity. The main religions are: Confucianism and Taoism (also regarded as philosophies of life), Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.
The Chinese use many ingredients, sauces (soy sauce is the best known) and spices in your cooking. Rice, fish, red meat, bamboo shoot and vegetables are used in various dishes. A kind of biscuit, thin and crispy, the egg rolls, Chinese food is one of the best known in the West. A food consumed in China, and considered exotic in the West, is dog meat. Other foods consumed by the Chinese, and not very common in the West, are: snake meat, scorpions, beetles and seahorse.
Chinese Ceramic Vase art Chinese art is marked beauty of beautiful ceramic vases painted by hand, with China's cultural reasons. The art on silk is also another important aspect. Chinese painters stand on their screens, the natural beauties of China (landscapes, animals) and mythological aspects.
Chinese music is played with the use of various instruments, and the most important are: flute, string instruments, gongs, timpani and cymbals.
The Chinese contributed greatly to the development of knowledge worldwide. The main Chinese