trabalho sobre cognatos e Phrasal verbs

772 palavras 4 páginas

Cognates are words that have your spelling very similar to the Portuguese language whose meaning remains the same in both English and Portuguese. These words can be very helpful and greatly facilitate the translation of a text from English into Portuguese.

Examples of cognate words:

Inglês Português
Competition Competição
Television Televisão
Radio Rádio
Music Música
Area Área
Human Humano
Emotion Emoção
Idea Ideia
Factors Fatores
Garage Garagem
Regular Regular
Latino Latino
Mission Missão
Offensive Ofensivo
Other Outro
Comedy Comédia
Video Video
Different Diferente
Connect Conectar
Pages Páginas
Comic Cômico
Material Material
Potential Potencial
Minute Minuto
Economy Economia
Accidental Acidental
Example Exemplo
Persistent Persistente
False cognates

These words are called false cognates or false friends, because they seem to be one thing, but actually is quite another. False cognates are the words that have the same writing, or very similar to the Portuguese, but its meaning is totally different.

Examples of false cognates:

Inglês Tradução ERRADA Tradução CERTA
Come Come Vir, entrar
College Colégio Faculdade
Truck Truque Caminhão
Relatives Relativos Parentes
Call Cal Telefonar / chamar
Library Livraria Biblioteca
Charge Charge Cobrar
Sale Sala Venda
Tax Taxa Imposto
Say Sai Dizer
Fill Fio Preencher
Century Cintura Século
Borrow Borrou Emprestar
Notebook Notebook Caderno
Lunch Lanche Almoço
Cops Copos Policiais
Soda Soda Refrigerante
Content Contente Conteúdo
Refrigerator Refrigerante Geladeira
Actually Atualmente Realmente
Late Late / leite Atrasado(a)
Home Homem Lar

Phrasal verbs

The phrasal verbs in Portuguese prepositional verbs are, where we have a relationship agreement between verb and preposition or verb and adverb. In the situation in question analyze more verbs prepositions. The verb wins a particle that give different meanings to the verb in


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