The witches in shakespeare's macbeth
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19 páginas
1. IntroductionThis paper is about the role of the Weird Sisters in William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth, which was written by Shakespeare in 1606. His main source were Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, published in 1587.
The Tragedy of Macbeth is the story of Macbeth, a Scottish nobleman, who was originally a successful and respectable man, but becomes evil. Encouraged and influenced by the strange prophecies of the Weird Sisters and his wife, Lady Macbeth, he becomes a traitor, a tyrant and finally a murderer throughout the play. The Weird Sisters put him to the test and make promises which are not to be realized without cruelty, violence and murder. The Weird Sisters, their supernatural nature and witchcraft in general are in the focus of the following investigation.
It is also necessary to take a look at witchcraft theories and the images and features ascribed to a witch by the people in the sixteenth and seventeenth century in continental Europe as well as in England and Scotland. The main focus is on the function of the three Weird Sisters. The question what role Shakespeare ascribes to them and how they get the action going, is going to be answered. In addition, the Weird Sisters have to be compared to the stereotypes of witches, which are portrayed in the previous paragraphes. Another aspect is the role of Lady Macbeth and the question whether she can be compared to the Weird Sisters in any way.
2. The origins of witchcraft
The term witchcraft refers to the practice of maleficium by means of a mental act, the performance of ritual and charms, the use of instrumental aids or the involvement of evil spirits by a female person with a malicious intention. The concept of witchcraft was developed in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. All different magical, religious and criminal practices has been united under the term witchcraft. In many regions of Europe thousands of witches and sorcerers were