The tree machine
Please remember: the tree is your friend. Do not destroy it.
The tree is a beautiful machine that works for the benefit of humanity, animals, and plants. Most forms of life on Earth need oxygen. We do not get oxygen from industrial machines. We get it from the tree machine. Trees make the oxygen that we need to take from the air. Industrial machines pollute the air. Trees do not pollute it. On the contrary, they clean it. The industrial machine makes a lot of noise. The tree machine does not make any noise. On the contrary, it filters noise. The tree machine does not need coal, oil, gas or electricity to work. Its fuel comes from water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide. When a tree dies, it helps new plants. The combination of water, insects, and microorganisms in the soil causes the decomposition fo the tree. When a tree dies, it gives nutrients to the soil for other trees to use as fuel. So, the tree does not die, really. It recycles its substance for the benefit