The constitutionality index
Colégio Marista São Luís
American School of Recife
The Constitutionality Index: a Judiciary and Macroeconomic Guidance for International Entrepreneurs when Investing in National Economies.
Ana Sofia Cardoso Monteiro
Recife - PE, Brazil January 2011 Table of Contents Obs: formatar tudo em APA (ao inves de mla, pq esse tipo é específico para as ciências sociais)
(O QUE DEVE INCLUIR: hipotese, problema, objetivos, justificativa e explicacao do que motivou, o que se deseja atingir a partir da pesquisa)
After the creation of the HDI (Human Development Index), development not only means economic growth. In the past years, the globalization has brought a bigger level of complexity which changes some global priorities, by establishing western systems as the references with the liberal economic and political perspective.
Thus, the majority of the eastern cultures are taken as interventions in this new process of development, which doesn’t able them to effectively participate in global transactions.
The contradiction between nationality and globalization has never been this much discussed as it is in nowadays, according to a document published and sponsored by the United Nations- UN, in the year of 2007, instead of equaling the wealth distribution, the phenomenon has contributed to increase inequalities between developed and developing nations, because, at the same moment you interfere in the national business structure, you are also destroying its economic and government identity.
Based on the above described context and first observations, this present project has proposed to create a new social index that evaluates the stability level the place can offer to an investor, which aims to encompass three different sustainable goals: profitable, environmental and social.
The first one intends to give the idea a