This will help in decision making on investment of changes in their systems to web.
To reach this result the system was developed questionnaire in structure to structure
Web GUI and the system has only the function of including data in the database, or a simple system. Measurements of time / man were made during the implementation of the system, and the results were obtained: 25:56 hours deployment structure for GUI and 31:24 hours for web structure.
Key words: information systems, methods of development, internet, web tecnology.
Figura 1: Modelo em Cascata de processo da Web Engineering (LEITE, 2002 apud
CECHELERO, D.; VOLPI, M. M , 2004). ........................................................................13
Figura 2: Modelo Espiral de processo da Web Engineering (PRESSMAN, 2002). ........14
Figura 3:Modelo Evolucionário para o processo de Engenharia da Web. Baseado em
(MURUGESAN; GINIGE, 2005). ....................................................................................17
Figura 4: Processo Extreme Programming. Baseado em (PRESSMAN, 2006). ............22
Figura 5: primitivas do RMDM (COSTAGLIOLA, G.; FERRUCCI, F.; FRANCESE,
2002) ..............................................................................................................................25
Figura 6: Diagrama do RMDM, baseado em Costagliola; Ferrucci e Francese (2002) ..26
Figura 7: Parte de modelo E-R do Projeto Envolva-se. Baseado em (CERI, S.;
FRATERNALI, P.; PARABOSCHI, S, 1999)...................................................................29
Figura 8: Sistema de Informação. Adaptado de (O’BRIEN, 2002).