Teatros ingles
Theatre is an art form in which an actor or set of actors, interprets a story or activities to the public in a certain place. With the help of improvised situations or playwrights, directors and technicians, the show aims to present a situation and arouse feelings in public. Also called theater the appropriate place for this art form.
The theater in Brazil arose in the sixteenth century, with the reason the spread of religious faith. Among the few authors highlight was the priest José de Anchieta, who wrote some cars (old theatrical makeup) aimed at catechizing the natives, as well as integration entreportugueses, Indians and Spaniards. One example is the Self of St. Lawrence, written in Tupi-Guarani, Portuguese and Spanish.
A gap separates the two centuries of theatrical activity Jesuit continuity and development of theater in Brazil. This is because, during the eighteenth and séculosXVII, the country has been involved with the process of colonization (as colony of Portugal) and battles in defense of colonial territory. Was the transfer of the Portuguese court to Rio de Janeiro in 1808, which brought undeniable progress to the theater, consolidated by independence in 1822.
Actor John Caetano stimulated the formation of Brazilian actors and appreciated their work [3] and graduated in 1833, a Brazilian company. His name is linked to two key events in the history of national drama: the premiere, on March 13, 1838, Part José Antonio or The Poet and the Inquisition, written by Gonçalves de Magalhães, the first tragedy written by a Brazilian and the only a national issue, and on 4 October 1838, the premiere of the play The Justice of the Peace in Roça, written by Martins Pena, called at the time of the "Brazilian Molière," which opened the seam of the comedy of manners, the most characteristic genre of theatrical traditions of Brazil.
Gonçalves de Magalhães, returning from Europe in 1867, introduced the romantic influence in Brazil,