1. Preencha as lacunas numeradas no texto com uma palavra de cada um dos grupos abaixo. NOTA: Apenas uma palavra de cada grupo será usada. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. true simple power philosophical safe hypothesis dangerously truly simply powered philosophy safely hypothesize dangerous truth simplicity powerful philosopher safety hypothetical danger
A Tool to Quit Smoking Has Some Unlikely Critics
(By John Tierney, adapted from The New York Times, November 7, 2011)
1 If you want a _______________(1) frustrating job in public health, try getting people to stop smoking. Even when researchers combine counseling and encouragement with nicotine patches and gum, few smokers quit. Recently, though, experimenters in Italy had more success by doing less. A team led by Riccardo Polosa of the University of Catania recruited 40 hard-core smokers and ______________(2) gave them a gadget already available in stores for $50. This electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette, contains a small reservoir of liquid nicotine solution that is vaporized to form an aerosol mist. The user “vapes,” or puffs on the vapor, to get a hit of the addictive nicotine (and the familiar sensation of bringing a cigarette to one’s mouth) without the noxious substances found in cigarette smoke. After six months, more than half the subjects in Dr. Polosa’s experiment had cut their regular cigarette consumption by at least 50 percent. Nearly a quarter had stopped altogether. Though this was just a small pilot study, the results fit with other encouraging evidence and bolster hopes that these e-cigarettes could be the most effective tool yet for reducing the global death toll from smoking. But there’s a _______________(3) group working against this innovation — a coalition of government officials and antismoking groups who have been