
366 palavras 2 páginas

 World War III


What are the causes?
Hunger is caused because the world can’t produce enough food.

The Earth has enough resources to feed all of humanity.  There is hunger because we are “much”.

There are populous countries such as China, all the inhabitants have every day at least a minimal amount of food and sparsely populated countries, like Bolivia, where the poor are hungry for real.

The real causes of starvation:
Social inequality: the fight against hunger is, first, the fight against hunger for social justice.
The elites in government, controlling the access to food, maintain and consolidate their own power. Paradoxically, those who produce food are the first to suffer for this absence.

Armed conflict: the money needed to provide food, water, education, health and housing sufficiently to all, for one year, corresponds to how the world spends in less than a month on the purchase of weapons.
For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years. World War III

A cyberwar

A new kind of War, without missiles or bombs. At least for now, there are rumors it's the way that it’ll be the World War III.
The goal of the U.S. military by inventing the internet in 60's was just making invulnerable their defense systems, even in the face of a heavy nuclear attack.

Nowadays, the network has transcended its function of war. Or rather, turned into a battlefield apart, which promises to set the destination of the nations.

Come out nuclear weapons,
Come computer viruses. Some “weapons” of the next war:

Function: attack industrial systems.
Action: it ceased centrifuges in Iran’s uranium enrichment.

Function: electronic spying
Action: it copied projects of Iranian nuclear program for 5 years.

Function: electronic spying
Action: Besides copying files, it can control


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