Simple past
REGRA GERAL: verbo no infinitivo acrescentado da partícula ED
I/ you/ he she It/ we/ they Washed
(Forma afirmativa)
Ex: I worked the whole day yesterday.
(Forma negativa)
Did not = didn’t
I didn’t study for the test.
Ps: o verbo fica na sua forma do infinitivo
(Forma interrogativa)
Did he study for the test?
Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t
Where/ How/ Why /What did you do yesterday?
I worked the whole day
I studied the whole day
I played games the whole day.
Ps: o verbo fica na sua forma do infinitivo
Casos especiais:
1) Verbos que terminam em E, acrescenta-se apenas o D Danced / decided
2) Verbos que terminam em Y precedido de CONSOANTE, elimina-se o Y e acrescenta-se IED STUDIED / MARRIED (STUDY/MARRY) ps: PLAY =
3) Verbos que terminam em CONSOANTE + VOGAL + CONSOANTE, cuja sílaba tônica é a última, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se ED stoPPed / permiTTed
FORMAÇÃO: Não há uma regra geral. Recomenda-se a aprendizagem pelo uso constante dos verbos.
Ex: is/am = was / are = were
Buy = bought
Come = came
Ex: We were at home yesterday night.
Eat = ate
Did you come to school?
Cut = cut
He didn’t buy anything.
O Simple Past é utilizado para: Expressar ações que terminaram em um tempo determinado. Neste caso, advérbios de tempo e expressões adverbiais
(yesterday, last week, in 2008, three days ago) são geralmente utilizados. ps: As formas NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA DO VERBO TO BE, não necessitam do auxiliar DID.
EX: The students weren`t tired after the sports competition.
Were you at the club last night?
1 – Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Make all the necessary changes: MAKE (I) / WATCH (r) / PAINT (r) / SPEND (i) / BUY (i) /
/ START (r) / STAY (r)
GO (i) / GET (i) / GIVE (i)
WE WATCHED a great science-fiction movie yesterday.
The children SPENT some of their money on “Mangás”.